An introduction to the Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) 

by Dada Maheshvarananda
 reviewed by Mike Whitty

After Capitalism, by Dada Mahesvarananda

 {googleads left}  Slowly but surely a scholarly literature of fresh alternatives to capitalism is establishing itself. Human imagination and visionary scholarship have combined to show that another world is possible.
 Dada Maheshvarananda in After Capitalism presents a new paradigm for human culture based on spiritual values and economic democracy. It urges harnessing human spirit through ethics, justice, cooperation and sustainability. This book continues and expands mainstreaming of Prout’s (the progressive utilization theory) neo-humanism into the wider universe of progressive responses to a world ruled by corporations. After Capitalism offers alternative solutions to world problems. Dada envisions a future worldwide social democracy with a soul. Not just soulless socialism but economics with a human face and a universal cosmology. After Capitalism reflects a global trend which is not only transforming economic and political culture but also transforming society and thereby the individual human. Only when we have transformed self and society will a new post-capitalist balance be achieved.
 This visionary author is at one level advancing Prout’s explicit vision for a new world as articulated by the late P.R. Sarkar, while also merging these farseeing formulations with other contemporary thinkers such as Leonardo Boff, Noam Chomsky, David Korten and Hazel Henderson who believe another world is possible.
 When we see the values and visions of P.R. Sarkar, joined by Noam Chomsky, Frei Betto, Leonardo Boff, Marcos Arruda and Sohail Inayatullah among others then we are able to forecast a paradigm shift away from capitalism.
 In light of these concrete post-capitalist socio-economic models for a better world, many social justice organizations in civil society are embracing the neo-humanist approach to the possible future and the possible human. Prout and this book are in the mix of future trends that are making another world probable.
 As a futurist and student of social history, I would urge educators and social activists to adopt After Capitalism in their courses and political work. After Capitalism should be listed in the catalogue of the World Future Society and be presented on all occasions when we are asked for solutions and alternatives to the current world power system.
 This article was printed in New Renaissance, Vol. 12, No. 1, issue 40, Summer, 2003  Copyright © 2003 by Renaissance Universal, all rights reserved.  Posted on the web on June 22,  2003.