Renaissance in All Strata of Life
P.R, Sarkar looks at the disparities which plague humanity today and calls on concerned people to take action.
Lock Down Retreat 2014
A prison inmate transforms a punishment lockdown into a spiritual retreat.
Susan George Speaks out against economic globalization
Susan George, president of the Observatory on Globalization in Paris, associate director of the Transnational Institute of Amsterdam, and author of nine books, gave these comments on globalization (first published in 2000)
Worldwide Food Shortages: The Rich Have Already Eaten
A combination of factors, including global warming, using crops for bio-fuels and increased meat consumption, are responsible for a rise in food prices around the world. Some of the most vulnerable people in the world are suffering and Rene Wadlow looks at proposals before a UN Committee that is addressing the problem.
Governments fail to invest enough to combat malnutrition
Nutrition experts say governments are not investing enough to prevent and treat malnutrition in women and children in poor countries.